Kancelaria SK&S rekomendowana w rankingu Legal500 2024

Mamy zaszczyt poinformować, iż w tegorocznej edycji Legal 500 jesteśmy rekomendowani w 14 kategoriach, w tym aż w 3 kategoriach uzyskaliśmy najwyższą ocenę (Tier 1).

Dispute resolution (Tier 1)

Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak boasts a team of the ‘best litigators in the market’ who are highly experienced in large-scale, complex, and precedent-setting cases. The practice is well versed in representing clients before domestic and international arbitration tribunals, as well as European and local courts. Investment treaty disputes are a core area of expertise for the department, in addition to infrastructure and construction disputes, and post-M&A and shareholder disputes. ‘Very intelligent and experienced partner’ Rafał Waszkiewicz heads up the department, and co-founding partner Stanisław Sołtysiński is a key arbitrator in the team. Katarzyna Paczuska-Tokarska is another active member, particularly in terms of infrastructure disputes concerning state-owned companies and construction disputes governed by FIDIC rules. Anna Grzywczak-Kubiak is also noted.

Intellectual property (Tier 1)

Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak‘s IP practice is regularly instructed on matters relating to protection strategies, portfolio management, and disputes regarding trade marks, patents, design rights, copyrights and unfair competition. Its client roster features large multinational companies, as well as major domestics. Heading up the practice is Szymon Gogulski, who is ably supported by Ewa Skrzydło-Tefelska. Another active member of the practice is Marek Oleksyn, who is well versed at negotiating agreements on the acquisition and licensing of IP and R&D agreements.

White-collar crime (Tier 1)

Clients appreciate Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak‘s ‘great practical approach to internal investigations‘. The team also assist clients with the implementation of compliance systems and has particular expertise in the cybersecurity space, specifically the prevention of cybercrime. The team has recently been busy assisting clients with fraud and asset recovery matters. The practice is led by Tomasz Konopka, who is well versed in representing clients before both law enforcement authorities and the courts. Katarzyna Randzio-Sajkowska is a key name to note for her expertise in investigations. Michał Opala is active in criminal proceedings regarding corruption, fraud, business crime and cybercrime.

Kancelaria Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak otrzymała również rekomendacje w 10 poniższych kategoriach:

Banking and finance (Tier 2)

The banking and finance team at Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak has an emphasis on financial regulatory work, especially for clients in the fintech and payment services areas. Financial sector M&A is another key area of strength for the group, including reorganisations and acquisitions, in addition to legislative work and cross-border deals. The team is also witnessing an increasing uptake in sustainable financing. The firm’s client roster largely consists of domestic and international regulated financial institutions. Marcin Olechowski chairs the group with ‘unique insight and exceptional intelligence’.

Commercial, corporate and M&A (Tier 2)

Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak is ‘highly qualified and experienced in M&A transactions and corporate issues’ across a vast range of sectors, including FMCG, automotive, logistics, financial services, renewable energy, chemicals, IT, and media. Managing partner Robert Gawałkiewicz leads the team, which regularly works alongside international law firms. Gawałkiewicz is active in cross-border restructurings and commercial litigation, and he is supported by head of the firm’s automotive group Łukasz Berak, who advises clients on cross-border mergers and complex corporate issues.

Competition/antitrust (Tier 2)

Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak is ‘highly qualified and experienced in competition and antitrust matters’, and boasts significant expertise in representing domestic and foreign clients before the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection. Regarding merger controls, the group is experienced in Phase II cases, and it is also regularly supports clients through allegations of agreements restricting competition and abuses of dominance. Krzysztof Kanton leads the team, and is ably supported by Marek Kolasiński.

Energy and natural resources (Tier 2)

The energy practice at Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak is a key point of call for investors, financing entities, buyers, and energy-intensive businesses seeking assistance with their infrastructure investments, compliance with regulatory obligations, and emission allowances. It is also adept at advising on M&A transactions and procuring financing for renewable energy projects, including wind, photovoltaic, biomass, and waste-to-energy. The team is co-led by conventional and renewable energy specialist Krzysztof Cichocki, and Zbyszko Wizner, who, in addition to energy law, is also an expert in construction contracts and infrastructure projects.

Employment (Tier 2)

The employment practice at Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak is well versed in employee investigations, harassment matters, employee dismissals, and relevant litigation. Agnieszka Fedor leads the practice and regularly handles collective labour disputes. Filip Sodulski has broad experience in transactions, as well as a focus on internal ethical proceedings.

Healthcare and life sciences (Tier 2)

Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak houses a team of ‘excellent specialists‘, who assist with the labelling of foodstuffs, handle public procurement disputes, and advise on the exploitation of regulatory niches. ‘Outstanding‘ practice co-head Ewa Skrzydło-Tefelska is noted for her knowledge of IP issues, including patent infringement actions and unfair competition cases, and regularly represents clients before the Supreme Administrative Court. ‘Very talented‘ co-head Jacek Myszko advises both international and domestic clients on the regulatory issues surrounding the wholesale distribution of medical devices and medicinal products, in addition to advising on clinical trial agreements.

Tax (Tier 2)

The tax practice at Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak is praised for being ‘prominent in the private wealth and real estate business areas‘, as well as being knowledgeable of the digital economy and innovative technology industries. The team provides advisory services in relation to wealth tax management and international tax, as well as being ‘experienced in tax matters, including those related to M&A transactions and corporate issues‘. Jarosław Bieroński leads the team, and is ably supported by Sławomir Łuczak and Piotr Andrzejak.

TMT (Tier 2)

Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak supports clients across a wide range of mandates, from cloud computing, licenses, and copyright transfers, to IT deployments, negotiations, and related litigation. Its offering also includes advice on telecoms and OTT streaming platforms, as well as new technologies, such as AI and blockchain. Technology-related M&A transactions form another area of expertise. ‘Stand-out lawyer’ Mikołaj Sowiński and new technologies expert Agata Szeliga jointly lead the practice. Marta Kupczak-Strzelecka is skilled in regulatory mandates.

Public procurement (Tier 3)

Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak handles public procurement matters in a range of fields, including energy, transport and construction, advising on the entire lifecycle of cases, often in conjunction with other related issues such as competition or construction law. Agata Szeliga leads the team and is adept at representing clients before Polish authorities and the European Commission. Żaneta Urbaniak advises both contractors and contracting authorities on tenders for public works, services and supply contracts.

Real estate (Tier 3)

Leveraging its ‘profound understanding of the Polish real estate market’, the team at Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak has significant know-how in relation to commercial property, providing advice on office, logistics, industrial, hotels, and shopping centre projects. The practice is equally adept at handling disputes within the field, regularly representing clients in matters related to reclamation, compensation, co-ownership and restitution. Radosław Waszkiewicz leads the team and assists clients with acquisitions, divestments, leasing issues, and development projects.

Krzysztof Kanton po raz kolejny otrzymał najwyższe wyróżnienie „Hall of Fame” w kategorii Competition/antitrust

Nasi Prtnerzy zostali również wpisani na elitarną listę “Leading lawyers”:

Tytuł “Next Generations Partner” otrzymali:

Tytułem „Rising Stars” wyróżnieni zostali:

Ponadto blisko 50 prawników SK&S zostało rekomendowanych w tegorocznej edycji rankingu The Legal500:

Banking and finance

Commercial, corporate and M&A


Dispute resolution

Energy and natural resources


Healthcare and life sciences

Intellectual property

Public procurement

Real estate



White-collar crime


Szanowni Państwo,

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