Zespół IP SK&S nagrodzony Złotym Laurem IAM Patent 1000 | 2023

Praktyka prawa własności intelektualnej kancelarii Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak kolejny rok z rzędu uzyskała Złoty Laur w rankingu IAM Patent 1000 2023 magazynu Intellectual Asset Management w kategorii sporów sądowych i transakcji.

Ponadto czterech członków zespołu zostało uznanych za liderów na polskim rynku patentowym za swoją wyjątkową pracę:

„Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak is home to one of the best commercial and litigation teams in the country and is well known for its IP prowess. “It has developed long-lasting relationships over the years and instils confidence in its clients as a result of the team’s experience and active approach.” Leading the charge are Ewa Skrzydło-Tefelska and Szymon Gogulski, doyens of patent litigation in Poland and immensely experienced lawyers. The duo has been busy lately, with Skrzydło-Tefelska representing leading business technology company Retail Robotics in a patent litigation, while Gogulski is supporting local public companies PPC Rokita and PPC Exol in a dispute against a US company in the chemical industry. “Marek Oleksyn is a trustworthy and reliable lawyer with extensive legal expertise. He always evaluates the issue at hand and considers it from every angle, allowing him to predict all potential outcomes and determine the best course of action.” Completing the line-up, Jacek Myszko has a profound understanding of the pharmaceutical industry and advises both domestic and international patrons on all aspects of patent licensing.”

Szczegóły dotyczące rankingu dostępne pod linkiem: https://www.iam-media.com/rankings/patent-1000/country/poland
