Good relations with employees are the key to success for every business. We offer employers every legal assistance in the broadest sense of HR and compliance matters. We strive not only to provide clients with the right answers, but also to ask the right questions, aiming to ensure that the proposed solutions cover all relevant issues. Working with other teams, we take tax, corporate and competition regulations into account.
We also bear in mind the client’s organizational culture and specific needs when solving HR problems.
We support the creation of good and safe organizations through well-tailored policies and training of managers and employees in preventing bullying and discrimination, and ensuring diversity and equality in the workplace.

We offer the following services:
- hiring and firing of employees and persons providing services under civil law contracts (including B2B)
- hiring managers
- preparation of internal regulations
- remote work (especially hybrid work)
- creating remuneration and bonus systems (also in listed companies)
- working time
- protection of secrets and know-how of the employer
- non-competition agreements and non-disclosure agreements (NDA)
- collective labor law, especially relations with trade unions, conducting negotiations and bargaining
- collective redundancies
- legalization of residence and work of foreigners
- litigation and mediation
- preparation and implementation of policies against discrimination and mobbing
- construction of diversity management systems
- construction of a system for counteracting undesirable behavior
- preparation of diversity and D&I policies and strategies
- preparation of codes of ethics
- support in crisis management (upon request, we provide participation of a psychologist and support of a PR firm)
- conduct ethical proceedings (if required, we can provide the participation of a psychologist and support of a PR firm)
- preparation of members of explanatory committees or participation in explanatory committees
- training sessions and workshops on counteracting mobbing and discrimination, prevention of undesirable behavior
- training sessions and workshops for members of ethics committees