SK&S po raz kolejny rekomendowana w rankingu Legal500

Mamy zaszczyt poinformować, iż w tegorocznej edycji Legal 500 jesteśmy rekomendowani w 8 kategoriach, w tym aż w 3 kategoriach uzyskaliśmy najwyższą ocenę (Tier 1).

  • Competition/antitrust, (tier 1)

Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak’s practice is headed by Krzysztof Kanton, who defended Maximus Broker against the competition authority’s claims that it was involved in market collusion with PZU. In another highlight, Kanton successfully represented Kronopol in an appeal of the regulator’s decision concerning alleged vertical price fixing.

  • Dispute resolution (tier 1)

Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak‚s team acts for clients including Budimex and Strabag in disputes ranging from protection of intellectual and industrial property, unfair competition and infrastructure disputes, to protection of foreign investment. Practice head Dariusz Skuza represented Pepees in Supreme Court proceedings concerning the forfeiture of the voting right attached to a share. Rafał Waszkiewicz acted for Polimex-Mostostal and Acciona Infraestructuras in a PLN250m dispute against the State Treasury. Tomasz Konopka heads the white-collar crime practice.

  • Intellectual Property (tier 1)

At Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak, practice heads Szymon Gogulski and Ewa Skrzydło-Tefelska provide ‘intelligent advice’ and are ‘appreciative of business and industry goals’. Gogulski advises brands including Ekstraklasa and Eveline on their trade mark protection strategies, and the team also handles trade mark infringement cases and copyright protection matters. Other clients include Nike.


Poniżej rekomendacje w obszarach praktyki

  • Banking & Finance – Regulatory (tier 4)

Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak’s ‘experienced and very efficient’ team includes Marcin Olechowski, who recently assisted Carlo Tassara with the regulatory aspects of the PLN1.6bn sale of its holding in Alior Bank to PZU.

  • Corporate / M&A (tier 2)

Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak advised Eurocash on acquiring Polska Dystrybucja Alkoholi and assisted Orbico with purchasing Optimum Distribution from Empik Media & Fashion. Robert Gawałkiewicz and Marcin Olechowski are the key contacts.

  • Employment (tier 3)

Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak’s team of ‘professional and solution-oriented lawyers’ is representing Skok Polska in several disputes with former executives. Roch Pałubicki is a key contact.

  • Energy and natural resources (tier 4 )

At Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak, practice head Krzysztof Cichocki represented Enea Wytwarzanie in several regulatory disputes with the Energy Regulatory Authority.

  • Tax (tier 4)

Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak’s team devised a tax-efficient strategy for Bakoma and provided comprehensive tax advice to General Electric on a cross-border securitisation of credit receivables. Jaroslaw Bieroński heads the group.

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