Michał Kalinowski

Michał Kalinowski


Worked at SK&S as an intern from July 2019 to February 2020. Then, gained experience in law firms providing services to Polish and foreign clients, where he specialised in IT, e-commerce, and IP law. Rejoined SK&S in January 2022. Advises on drafting contracts relating to IT systems (implementation, maintenance, and development), as well as in the area of copyright and e-commerce law.

Phone:+48 22 608 71 80
Mobile phone:+48 883 391 691
Fax:+48 22 608 70 70
  • Warsaw Bar Association (OIRP) – attorney-at-law apprenticeship – since 2022
  • National School of the Judiciary and Public Prosecution - judicial traineeship – 2021 to 2022
  • Jagiellonian University – MA in Law – 2020
  • Jagiellonian University – BA – Intellectual Property and New Media Law – 2020
  • The Jagiellonian University and The Catholic University of America – American Law Program – 2019
  • Advised on drafting contracts relating to IT systems
  • Advised on drafting regulations for websites and online stores