We advise economic operators and contracting authorities with respect to public procurement in a number of economic sectors, such as transportation, construction, energy and defence. Having worked for economic operators and for contracting authorities, we have gained unique expertise and a good understanding of the processes underlying public procurement procedures. We do not limit our advice to strictly legal aspects of public procurement but also address issues under anti-bribery and other relevant regulations.
In particular:
- we have recently represented an architect in proceedings before the National Appeals Chamber (Krajowa Izba Odwoławcza) and in court proceedings in a precedent case concerned with a contest held in accordance with public procurement procedures,
- as part of our comprehensive legal services we advise Microsoft on public procurement issues,
- we advise clients from the construction sector on a regular basis, in particular those engaged in the construction of motorways, on the legal issues that arise under consortium agreements and on all matters relating to the implementation of public contracts,
- we are a long-standing adviser on public procurement matters to one of the largest American manufacturers of medical devices operating on the European market.