Wojciech Wizner

Wojciech Wizner

Associate, patent and trademark attorney

Joined SK&S in 2023.

Specialises in intellectual property matters involving industrial property, unfair competition and copyright law. Handles issues concerning infringement of exclusive rights, in particular patents, industrial designs and trademarks, as well as development of protection strategies.

Prior to joining SK&S, he gained experience at a renowned boutique IP law firm, and also at the European Patent Office and in the World Intellectual Property Organisation.

Phone:+48 22 608 72 10
Mobile phone:+48 881 023 567
Fax:+48 22 608 70 70
  • Maastricht University – LL.M. in Intellectual Property & Knowledge Management – 2018
  • Adam Mickiewicz University – MA in Law – 2017
  • Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys – patent and trademark attorney – 2024
  • Poznań University of Technology – Management and production engineering (engineering studies) – since 2021
  • Specialises in and advises on intellectual property matters, in particular in patent litigation
  • Participates in projects concerning development of protection strategies as well as prosecution and maintenance of industrial property rights