We advise companies and public agencies (ministries, the local government) on all issues of environmental law in the broadest sense of the term. We explain, in a clear and comprehensible manner, the practical consequences of the growing volume of law in this area, and the obligations the law creates for entrepreneurs. We help to adjust and to manage the legal risks brought about by the constantly evolving regulatory framework. We deal with environmental impact assessment and the legal framework for waste management, gas emission, noise, water, waste water, recycling, greenhouse gases, REACH, and the electromagnetic field. We work for clients operating in various business areas, such as industry, commerce, energy, mining, waste management, the motor industry, transportation and agriculture.
Our advice on environmental matters covers all other relevant aspects arising under civil, commercial and criminal law.
We offer expert knowledge and experience accumulated over many years, and our recommendations are elaborated in cooperation with colleagues from other practices at the firm. We strongly believe that when advising on environmental matters, one should give due account to all business and technical issues involved, and to those relating to the diversity of nature. Our professional experience allows us to understand these non-legal ramifications in every case we deal with. We often work with the best experts in the field, such as academics from technical universities and specialists from renowned engineering firms; we engage them, having agreed upon this with the clients, in order to work out the best and most comprehensive solutions. This approach, aimed at ensuring that our clients reach their business objectives, is what distinguishes us from other advisers who are only able to offer advice limited to strictly legal matters.
In particular, we offer assistance in the following areas:
- Support in investment projects
We successfully assist clients in the implementation of their investment projects, including those located in demanding locations, such as the areas included in the Nature 2000 programme. We advise at the stage when the investment documentation (such as the environmental impact assessment reports) is drawn up, we secure environmental decisions and consents, we provide support in relations with the local authorities and with the neighbours, and we represent clients before the courts and before the competent authorities in the case of any disputes that arise, defending the decisions obtained when needed. We provide support to those wishing to expand their business premises, in particular, in protected areas. - Compliance and risk management
We help to comply with environmental regulations that are subject to frequent amendment (e.g. those on waste management). We identify the environmental risks inherent in the client’s business operations. We elaborate strategies to manage the risks, as well as internal compliance procedures, and we offer training to teach our clients how to follow them. We represent clients in contact with public authorities. The reports on environmental audits that we provide indicate practical solutions well suited to each set of facts. We alert clients to ensuing changes in the regulatory framework and we help them to prepare for them. - Cost optimization
We review the fees payable by our clients (such as the fee for exploitation of natural resources, the products fee, the fee for water services), we identify ways of optimizing the related costs and we help to implement them. - Crisis management
We assist our clients in emergency situations, such as when environmental damage occurs due to a technical failure, leakage, soil contamination, when a conflict arises with the local community, or where a serious breach of the law is identified. We help to prepare for inspections (such as by the Voivodeship Inspector for Environmental Protection) and we assist during such inspections. We defend our clients against the imposition of penalties and increases of the fees to be paid. We devise and implement strategies to be followed in cases of breaches of the law, in particular through reinstatement of a lawful situation in a manner that is safe for the client. - Advice on investments
We defend our clients against damage to their business operations that could follow from investments planned by third parties. We also protect our clients against action by third parties aimed at hindering or blocking the clients’ investment projects, in particular against acts of so-called “ecoterrorism”.