SK&S assisted in obtaining one of the first decisions on support issued under new regulations on support of investments

On 23 November 2018 Łódź Special Economic Zone issued a decision on support with respect to a new investment of one of SK&S’ Clients, a leading enterprise from food industry sector.

This decision is one of the first such decisions issued on the basis of the Act of 10 May 2018 on supporting of new investments. The aid scheme envisaged in this Act replaced the previous system of special economic zones, at the same time introducing new conditions of applying for aid (including the so-called quality criteria).

Client was supported by the team of Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak attorneys led by Agata Szeliga, partner in charge of the State aid practice, and composed also of Adrian Ciesielski and Alicja Dzienisik.