SK&S in IFLR 1000 ranking in 2015

SK&S has been ranked and recommended by IFLR 1000 in its survey ‘IFLR1000 Financial and Corporate 2016’, released in October 2015. SK&S is recommended in the following categories: Banking and finance: Banking / Project finance; Capital markets: Equity; Corporate and M&A: M&A; and Energy and infrastructure: Energy / Infrastructure.
The Directory surveys law firms and lawyers in Poland, namely in Banking and Finance, Energy and Infrastructure, and Mergers & Acquisitions.

The Financial and Corporate 2016 Directory also named Marcin Olechowski as a Leading Lawyer in Banking and Finance and the M&A category. Also named Leading Lawyers were: Stanisław Sołtysiński (M&A), Dariusz Skuza (Energy and infrastructure, Project Development, Disputes), and Krzysztof Cichocki (Energy and infastructure, Project Development and M&A).

IFLR bases its annual rankings on market analyses and interviews with clients and business associates.