2nd Polish-Ukrainian Legal Day – PULD 2014

Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak co-organized the Polish-Ukrainian Legal Day, a meeting devoted to Polish and Ukrainian legal issues which took place at the Royal Wawel Castle, in Krakow under the auspices of the International Bar Association’s European Regional Forum.

During the meeting participants had an opportunity to learn more about the specifics of the Polish and Ukrainian legal systems, including:

  • EU Association Agreement – the Polish perspective and experience as well as Ukrainian expectations;
  • Corporate matters, tax issues, deregulation of business;
  • Litigation, arbitration, antitrust litigation, interim relief.

SK&S has been represented by Dr. Rudolf Ostrihansky, Managing Partner, Robert Gawałkiewicz, Senior Pratner and Jacek Siński, Partner.