SK&S’ IP team rewarded Gold Laurel by IAM Patent 1000 ranking

The Intellectual Property team at Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak has been awarded a Gold Laurel by Intellectual Asset Management magazine’s IAM Patent 1000 2024 ranking in the litigation and transactions category for yet another consecutive year.=

Moreover, Intellectual Property team members have been recognised as leaders in the Polish patent market for their exceptional work:

„Continuing to define what a successful IP practice looks like, Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak has a team that is “highly qualified in the pursuit of successful patent litigation”. Heading the IP practice is senior partner Szymon Gogulski, whose work is “recognised for his particular attention to detail and open approach to clients’ business requirements”. His practice is also unique in its nature, as he uses his IP prowess to work on leading marketing campaigns, while focusing on the interplay between civil law and IP issues in commercial transactions. Senior partner Ewa Skrzydło-Tefelska is a critical adviser, predominately working to protect the IP rights of huge international pharmaceutical companies. However, she does not shy away from other technical areas, and she recently collaborated with French counsel to advise Retail Robotics on a leading robotics patent dispute. Dedicating his legal expertise to the firm for more than two decades, Jacek Myszko is an important part of its fabric. A leading figure in Polish pharmaceuticals, Myszko routinely advises on landmark cases, including matters on distribution within pharmaceutical wholesale and the changing structures of pharmaceutical companies. The multi-talented Marek Oleksyn exhibits his extensive legal prowess across a range of IP matters. “Marek presents outstanding legal knowledge in all proceedings and consistently shows great inquisitiveness in the field of procedural issues.”

Full details on the ranking are available at: LINK


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